Wich camera to start out with ?

Have you decided to put your smartphone aside for a camera that is entirely dedicated to photography ? Now you need to know which type of camera is best suited to your needs and level. However, when you are new to photography, it can be difficult to know which model is best for you !
Because Kodak has been supporting all amateurs and professionals since 1888, we can also help you choose the ideal camera to get started with ! In this article you will discover the essential criteria for selecting a model that will fully meet your expectations and enable you to get started easily.
Identify your needs
When choosing a beginner’s camera, it is important to determine what you will use it for. Would you like to capture memories of your family gatherings ? Record your favourite country walks or make portraits of your favourite animals ? Each model of camera may be dedicated to a specific purpose, so let's review each model based on its use.
Perhaps you like to take time to wander the streets or walk in the mountains or forests and want to take pictures quickly and hassle- free ? We recommend the choice of a compact camera to document and remember these moments. When we say ‘compact camera’, we mean a small, lightweight camera. This type of camera is easy to slip into a bag, both when you go on a trip or for your weekend walks. They have a fixed lens, so they are also practical and easy to use. The great advantage of a compact for a photographer who is just starting out is its ability to take beautiful photos without a settings menu with a demanding learning curve. There’s no need to make complex presets before each shot because a compact camera is already preset and has several types of shots that can adapt to different situations.
Compact cameras also have a display screen that enables you to access the different options, but also to view each shot taken. Thanks to its various features, a compact camera is ideal for expressing your creativity. At Kodak, for example, we offer the Kodak PixPro FZ55, a thin and compact camera with built-in features like face, smile and blink detection. Even easier to use, the Kodak PixPro FZ45 has a ‘One-touch-video’ feature that will not only enable you to detect faces, but also to remove red eyes. Note that the FZ55 is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, while the FZ45 runs on AA batteries. The compact camera is really the most suitable model for your walks and hobbies. In particular, this type of model may be designed to resist dust, shocks, but also water. For example, the Kodak PixPro WPZ2 is waterproof up to 15m and is shockproof up to 2 metres. If you to take it to the beach or on hikes, it will be perfectly resistant to salt, gravel or sand.
If you want to take shots that aremore accurate and require sharperimage quality, then a bridge camera isthe ideal candidate. The bridge isindeed a perfect intermediarybetween compact and professionalcameras. We can say that this typeof model ‘bridges’ the gap betweenthe compact and the DSLR. It'sbigger than a compact, but has morefeatures.Beginners appreciate bridge camerasabove all for the non-interchangeablezoom, which enables you to benefitfrom enhanced flexibility.
It is this flexibility that enables you tophotograph distant subjects, forexample.A bridge camera allows you to takeprecise photos while accessingvarious shooting modes: manual,scenic or automatic. The advantageof the bridge is that it remainsaccessible, but it also enables you toprogress !